дней назад USD (на 31.05.2018) | a:3:{s:6:"source";s:11:"$12,520,000";s:5:"value";i:12520000;s:8:"currency";s:3:"USD";} |
Платформа | Ethereum |
Сайт | |
Количество токенов | 500000000 |
Документы |
Block Bank is a a digital decentralized commercial banking entity. The Block Bank concept is a digital funding platform designed to serve human needs rather than profits alone. The platform will operate automatically online opening up low cost commercial products to previously unreachable markets. With an International presence online, the digital delivery system will allow commercial entities to apply from anywhere in the world. Our vision is to expand and simplify the current financial system by using a new progressive technology to create a more inclusive system that allows people to access credits without huge taxes.
Статус регистрации | UK |
Техническая White Paper |
Старт продаж пре ICO | 19.11.2017 |
Окончание продаж пре ICO | 19.12.2017 |
Старт продаж ICO | 27.02.2018 |
Окончание продаж ICO | 31.05.2018 |
Первоначальная цена пре ICO | 0.0003 ETH (Dutch auction) |
Цена за Токен на ICO | 0.6000 USD |