CAR token is a Smart-City platform of an automatic decentralized payments the driver could make behind the wheel. Automatic payments from the on-board vehicles system: On/off-street parking, malls, airports, fast food drive-thru chains, tolls etc. Company is supported by the USA Ford Motor Company advisors. Company aim to connect top 100 cities in USA to provide frictionless payment service for drivers. • Based on GPS, RPM, electricity platform automatically detects if driver has really parked and if a parking zone has to be paid, then we notify the driver on the phone and on the dashboard. • When driving away, the parking session automatically stops. Drivers only pay for the exact time they used. • Parking session starts and stops automatically with ticketless smart entry and exit at the barrier via Licence Plate Recognition (LPR) for OFF-street areas like airports, malls, garages.