BTC: $9070,58
ETH: $230,79
XRP: $0,24
BCH: $338,10
USDT: $1,00
LTC: $62,26
EOS: $3,73
CurveBlock (PreICO) CurveBlock (PreICO) (CBUK)
ICO закончилось

Данные по проекту

Soft Cup: 5,000,000 GBP
Hard Cup: 50,000,000 GBP

Cуммарные сборы

USD (на 29.09.2019) a:3:{s:6:"source";s:0:"";s:5:"value";i:0;s:8:"currency";s:0:"";}


дней назад
Дата c 30.11.2018 до 30.03.2019


дней назад
Дата c 30.03.2019 до 29.09.2019
Рейтинг проекта:
451 Просмотров

Мы в социальных сетях:


Платформа Stratis
Количество токенов 500000000
Документы White Paper


CurveBlock is a Peer-2-Peer Real Estate Development company which shares all its profits with its community via Smart Staking Wallets, creating a life-time passive income. CurveBlock will be allowing Pre-Vetted Independent Real Estate Developers from around the world to showcase their projects, effectively making CurveBlock one of the worlds largest Real Estate Development companies. CurveBlock will pay its dividend profits via a secondary stable token, so market volatility doesn’t effect everyones profit returns from staking against developments. CurveBlock is seeking SEC compliance to allow USA investors to partake in the project. 5% of every developments profits will be donated to charity and the charity chosen will be chosen by the community using the voting rights of the CurveBlock token, effectively making CurveBlock one of the worlds largest donators to charities around the globe. CurveBlock’s house raffle give-aways / token burn will be aimed towards the public sector.

Детали проекта

Статус регистрации UK
Техническая White Paper Да

Детали продаж

Старт продаж пре ICO 30.11.2018
Окончание продаж пре ICO 30.03.2019
Старт продаж ICO 30.03.2019
Окончание продаж ICO 29.09.2019
Цена за Токен на ICO 0.2578 USD
Принимаемые валюты на пре ICO ETH, BTC, Fiat
Принимаемые валюты на ICO ETH, BTC, Fiat


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Всего токенов 500000000
ICO 500000000
Платформа пре ICO Stratis Stratis
Платформа ICO Stratis Stratis

Распределение токенов в проекте

Продажа в рамках пре ICO и ICO % 50%

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