The development of new technologies over the last decade has completely changed the world. The emergence of crypto currency can be considered the most significant event. Thanks to the crypto currency, any startup can use Blockchain, which allows creating your own crypto active asset and linking the asset to the value of the company. This provides an opportunity to create new models of fundraising and transforming potential for venture capital. Over the past few months, the number of start-ups creating their own crypto active assets has risen sharply. CryptoExchange opens up entirely new perspectives for traders and investors. On the other hand, more and more traders in various fields use automated trading systems (robots) that help traders to make quick decisions with the help of the built-in algorithm and instantly place the order on the CryptoExchange. Our mission is to provide a crypto trader with the opportunity to trade on a CryptoExchange through a convenient platform, allowing to connect to several exchanges at the same time and to select the best trading conditions at the moment, using both manual and automatic strategies.