Electronic Energy Coin is a blockchain-based trading platform for green technology. E2C is built according to the ERC-20 token standards, which is used by the popular Ethereum system. This makes E2C compliant with most cryptocurrencies standards and protocols in the market, hence more compatible with most trading platforms. At E2C, we look to an ecological and sustainable future. Our project will build towards an energy revolution, a more equitable distribution of energy, and improved control over the use and transaction of energy. Conventionally, the energy market is dominated by large power plants, with control being centralized in a few people. This often results in large excessive costs for the ordinary people, such as owners of private enterprises who are dependent on energy. With a decentralized structure as our cornerstone, a fairer environment and terms can be created for the masses, allowing small energy producers to sell their own energy at a significantly increased profit, and for everyone to save money when buying it. This is our core market, normal everyday people like you and me, who are either already consumers of energy, or small-scale producers.