A blockchain protocol that provides individuals, organizations and machines the ability to form a strong, verified digital identity, and mechanisms to control the seamless release of verified personal data to third parties. The LYNK™ protocol’s first application is intended to make it easier to share medical record data with healthcare professionals and medical research organizations. The integrity of one’s established identity is evaluated and maintained through EXOCHAIN’s Odentity™ framework, which provides metrics for scoring an Entity’s identity establishment. In conjunction with an interface that allows users to designate permissions for accessing their data, which facilitates the programmatic release of data to humans and machines, EXOCHAIN reduces the time and costs required to establish prudent online interactions that possess legal standing. The LYNK protocol, when applied to the world of clinical research and precision medicine as a first use case, addresses data maintenance and transactional inefficiencies, facilitates democratized access to clinical trial participation, and subsequently catalyzes advancements in precision medicine.