We offer the everyday user a powerful aggregator, a search and comparison engine for Foreign Currency, Money Transfers in Fiat/Crypto and Prepaid Currency Cards. We find and compare best exchange rates, speed, offers, rewards… by comparing online money transfer, card providers, banks, FX bureaus, post offices, travel agents, supermarkets and more… With blockchain technology, we aim to create a Decentralised Global Comparison Money Transfer Platform Based on Blockchain for Fiat/Crypto Currencies. Through the decentralised architecture of Blockchain, the Find.Exchange platform will enable a more seamless, cost-efficient and secure way to transfer money abroad through our partners. The introduction of Blockchain within the KYC process will diminish the use of 3rd party KYC compliance companies. This will allow the independent verification of one user by one partner to be accessed by other partners, which in turn reduces the costs and delay of compliance for all partners.