BTC: $9070,58
ETH: $230,79
XRP: $0,24
BCH: $338,10
USDT: $1,00
LTC: $62,26
EOS: $3,73
Gron Digital Gron Digital (GRO)
ICO закончилось

Данные по проекту

Soft Cup: 5,000,000 USD
Hard Cup: 15,000,000 USD

Cуммарные сборы

USD (на 08.05.2018) a:3:{s:6:"source";s:11:"$12,600,000";s:5:"value";i:12600000;s:8:"currency";s:3:"USD";}


дней назад
Дата c 08.01.2018 до 22.01.2018


дней назад
Дата c 26.02.2018 до 08.05.2018
Рейтинг проекта:
444 Просмотров

Мы в социальных сетях:


Платформа Ethereum
Количество токенов 950000000
Документы White Paper


We haven’t re-invented the wheel, we simply follow the cash. Most businesses think the Blockchain will “disrupt” their economy. Think again. The reality is 87% of them are fantasizing, simply capitalizing on a trend and will do just fine without a token or the Blockchain. Gron Digital is not ‘most businesses’ and we are not a startup in MVP stage. What we are is an experienced executive team utilizing technology and have created the No. 1 GRO Smart Wallet. Integrating with leading exchanges to connect multiple sports betting + gambling content providers, trusted world-class operators and quality players. Winnings are credited easily. Token withdrawal is secure. No third-party involvement. All on the Blockchain with Smart Contracts. We have taken what others see as an opportunity in a multi-billion Dollar industry, and made it a reality.

Детали проекта

Статус регистрации South Africa
Техническая White Paper Да

Детали продаж

Старт продаж пре ICO 08.01.2018
Окончание продаж пре ICO 22.01.2018
Старт продаж ICO 26.02.2018
Окончание продаж ICO 08.05.2018
Цена за Токен на ICO 0.0744 USD
Принимаемые валюты на пре ICO BTC, ETH
Принимаемые валюты на ICO BTC, ETH


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Всего токенов 950000000
ICO 950000000
Платформа пре ICO Ethereum
Платформа ICO Ethereum

Распределение токенов в проекте

Продажа в рамках пре ICO и ICO % 60%

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