BTC: $9070,58
ETH: $230,79
XRP: $0,24
BCH: $338,10
USDT: $1,00
LTC: $62,26
EOS: $3,73
Helveticoin Helveticoin (HEL)
ICO закончилось

Данные по проекту

Soft Cup: 750,000 CHF
Hard Cup: 10,000,000 CHF

Cуммарные сборы

USD (на 11.04.2018) a:3:{s:6:"source";s:7:"Unknown";s:5:"value";i:0;s:8:"currency";s:0:"";}


дней назад
Дата c 22.02.2018 до 02.03.2018


дней назад
Дата c 02.03.2018 до 11.04.2018
Рейтинг проекта:
461 Просмотров

Мы в социальных сетях:


Платформа Ethereum
Количество токенов 2000000000
Документы White Paper


Helveticoin is an ERC-20 based cryprocurrency used as digital asset on and for the first blockchain based crowdfunding platform made in Switzerland. Helveticoin Foundation wants to build a platform that allows entrepreneurs and independent, small and medium-sized enterprises to present their projects to a wide range of potential investors and possibly fund them through cryptocurrencies. Our goal is to build a platform for the people that are refused or incapable of receiving governmental and industrial support pertaining to their sector and location or lack of resources. Helveticoin wants to back people and enterprises from every sector or industry. But investors can profit off Helveticoin and its upcoming platform as well. A procentual part of community funded projects gets divided by the holders of helveticoins, which are receiving a payback through holding coins. the splitting is proportional to the total numbers of the tokens and will work with smart contracts.

Детали проекта

Статус регистрации Switzerland
Техническая White Paper Да

Детали продаж

Старт продаж пре ICO 22.02.2018
Окончание продаж пре ICO 02.03.2018
Старт продаж ICO 02.03.2018
Окончание продаж ICO 11.04.2018
Первоначальная цена пре ICO 0.04 USD
Цена за Токен на ICO 0.0171 USD
Принимаемые валюты на пре ICO ETH, BTC, LTC, NEO
Принимаемые валюты на ICO ETH, BTC, LTC, NEO


Всего токенов 2000000000
ICO 2000000000
Платформа пре ICO Ethereum ERC20
Платформа ICO Ethereum ERC20

Распределение токенов в проекте

Продажа в рамках пре ICO и ICO % 45%

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