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MaxData MaxData (MXD)
Protocol to Give Value to Anonymous User Data
Рейтинг проекта:
167 Просмотров

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Документы White Paper


MaxData is building a protocol to utilize anonymous user data to save billions for consumers and companies. Using the MaxData platform, consumers anonymously provide information regarding the services they are looking for, allowing service providers to see exactly what offers consumers will be interested in. Service providers can then craft a tailor-made offer to send consumers, while saving time and money on their acquisition efforts. These savings allow service providers to drastically lower consumers’ cost of living by reducing prices for services (such as insurance, communication, utilities or financial services). MaxData’s revolutionary platform effectively saves businesses and consumers billions of dollars a year.

Детали проекта

Статус регистрации Gibraltar
Техническая White Paper Да

Детали продаж

Цена за Токен на ICO 0.1000 USD
Принимаемые валюты на пре ICO ETH
Принимаемые валюты на ICO ETH


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Платформа ICO Ethereum ERC20

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