BTC: $9070,58
ETH: $230,79
XRP: $0,24
BCH: $338,10
USDT: $1,00
LTC: $62,26
EOS: $3,73 (DYNCOIN)
ICO закончилось

Данные по проекту

Soft Cup: 10,000,000 EUR
Hard Cup: 50,000,000 EUR

Cуммарные сборы

USD (на 29.03.2019) a:3:{s:6:"source";s:0:"";s:5:"value";i:0;s:8:"currency";s:0:"";}


дней назад
Дата c 14.01.2019 до 29.03.2019
Рейтинг проекта:
598 Просмотров

Мы в социальных сетях:


Платформа Ethereum
Количество токенов 3600000000
Документы White Paper

Описание: is creating a first of its kind Content Generation Network (CGN) that reduces current infrastructure costs and lets anyone earn money with their unused CPU power. This unique Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offering is flexible, scalable and ideally suited for B2B and consumer organizations alike. This is the missing DServices platform for decentralizing server-side work needed to scale out virtually any client application and a pay as you go model. has coined the term “DService” to describe the services component of cloud-based applications and DApps that run in the CGN. The first DService – MediaGen, handles all kinds of content transformation, is time-tested and blindingly fast, has been licensed to deliver performance and scalable content services out-of-the-box. Anyone will have the ability to develop their own DServices and run them in the CGN. A new utility token called Dyncoin will enable any customer to pay as they go. This levels the playing field for any sized organization to make scalable client/server apps without all the up-front infrastructure costs. The native currency of the CGN, Dyncoin is used to pay for all consumption of services and to pay out to the many providers of idle computer time.

Детали проекта

Статус регистрации Cayman Islands
Техническая White Paper Да

Детали продаж

Старт продаж ICO 14.01.2019
Окончание продаж ICO 29.03.2019
Цена за Токен на ICO 0.0000 USD
Принимаемые валюты на пре ICO ETH
Принимаемые валюты на ICO ETH


Всего токенов 3600000000
ICO 3600000000
Платформа пре ICO Ethereum ERC20
Платформа ICO Ethereum ERC20

Распределение токенов в проекте

Продажа в рамках пре ICO и ICO % 72%

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