ReMoneta Taking crypto to the mainstream ReMoneta is the only land-backed system in crypto, delivering real measureable and stable value today. ReMoneta is a strongly-capitalised ReFinTech company based in the EU combining real estate, finance and technology. At the centre of ReMoneta is our community. Together we have designed a frictionless hub — the safest and most stable integrated online currency system in the market. It is the only online currency and payment system with a fully stable price, zero transaction costs, large scaling and instant network verification, land backed and totally secure where community members and retailers earn money from «community mining» via their real world actions to promote positive global values and the community. The system allows micropayments — opening up a new industry as well as members being able to create code or even a business node on the network. ReMoneta solves the key problems in crypto today, creating a central hub between crypto and commerce, allowing crypto to go mainstream.