BTC: $9070,58
ETH: $230,79
XRP: $0,24
BCH: $338,10
USDT: $1,00
LTC: $62,26
EOS: $3,73
Studyx Studyx (STDX)
Decentralized Learning Platform
Рейтинг проекта:
203 Просмотров

Мы в социальных сетях:


Платформа Ethereum
Количество токенов 77333333
Документы White Paper


A tool that offers all you need for your professional growth, and also a way to share knowledge and get paid (or not). We are a trustless platform, which means you don’t need to trust us with your money. The payment layer is built on open source Ethereum smart contracts, so everything is transparent and guaranteed to work as expected. We are aware of the current difficulty in using cryptocurrencies and we are working hard to solve this issue through a nice and simple UX, while not compromising on security.

Детали проекта

Статус регистрации Hong Kong
Техническая White Paper Да

Детали продаж

Первоначальная цена пре ICO 0.95 USD
Цена за Токен на ICO 1.1000 USD
Принимаемые валюты на пре ICO ETH
Принимаемые валюты на ICO ETH


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Всего токенов 77333333
ICO 77333333
Платформа пре ICO Ethereum ERC20
Платформа ICO Ethereum ERC20

Распределение токенов в проекте

Продажа в рамках пре ICO и ICO % 65%

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