Thorium is a crypto to crypto exchange for anyone in the world. It will have a base currency (THOR) that will give out profits to all it’s holders daily on a percentage basis, giving it its value. Thorium is a Forum and a messaging application where you can tag your friends in comments and create new posts and group chats. Thorium is a crypto news source where you can leave comments and like/dislike articles. Thorium is a portfolio that allows you to keep up to date with all of your holdings in one place. Thorium is a Lottery that pays out 5% of the companies profits per day. Thorium is a Charity that pays out 5% of the companies profits to one charity per month. Thorium is everything you need for a secure CryptoCurrency exchange and a reliable source of information with a user-friendly interface with computer and mobile application options. THOR Token is given value by giving you a cheaper trading fee and profits every day.